Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


The SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage method sets the default language for subpicture text.


HRESULT SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage(
  LCID Language,
  DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT subpictureExtension



[in] Locale identifier that specifies the default language.


[in] DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT enumeration that specifies the default subpicture extension.

Return Values

Returns one of the following values.

Return code Description
S_OK Success.
E_INVALIDARG TLanguage is invalid.
VFW_E_DVD_INVALIDDOMAIN The DVD Navigator filter is not in a valid domain.


This method selects the default language and format to use for subpictures and menus when the disc is played. For example, if Language is specified as 0x409 for U.S. English and subpictureExtension is specified as DVD_SP_EXT_Caption_Big, the DVD Navigator tries to show U.S. English text in the "big caption" format in subpictures. If the default language or language extension is not found on a disc, the DVD Navigator selects the closest match.

The following table shows the Annex J command name to which this method name corresponds, and the domains in which this method is valid.

Annex J Command Name Valid Domains

See Also